Frequently Asked Questions

A safe sale is a happy sale! Safety is everything to us. And here’s how to experience a safe transaction:

If you’re buying

This might seem simple, but it can’t be said enough - always

Meet the seller in person in a public place, like at a mall, etc.
2. Only hand over the money once you’re happy with what you’re buying
3. Whatever you do, don’t buy before you try - always examine the item and then pay for it
And please, be careful

We’re actually only about connecting buyers and sellers. We aren’t in any position to handle or facilitate any exchange of money. So, please, be careful when handing overpayment.

So you've set up a deal and you're meeting your buyer - we know you might have some concerns over making a safe trade, so here are tips to make sure you and your buyer walk away happy:

Meeting a buyer

  1. Always meet in person. We'd recommend trading locally for safe deals.
  2. A buyer who offers you more money to ship your item to them is usually a scammer, and you can report them.
  3. Try to meet in a public place like a shopping mall or petrol station. If someone needs to come to your house to fetch a large item, make sure you have a friend or family member with you.

Making the exchange

  1. As far as possible, only get paid in cash for your item
  2. If you must accept a bank transfer, make sure you call your bank to check that the funds have cleared before handing over the item
  3. Never accept proof of payment SMS or email - these are very easy to fake.

We aren’t in any position to handle or facilitate any exchange of money. So, please, be careful when handing overpayment.

How To Buy A Product?

Pay after receiving your product. We don't take responsibility for fraud. We just providing a platform.

How To Get Product Support?

The seller will provide support.

We don't allow to use of copyrighted products/material on our website.

Featured Ads

Featured ads are free on our website for our valued customers. The more you post ads, the more we will feature them free of cost.